Macintosh managed to stay up with us last week to see in the new year. As you can tell from the photo below he wasn't overly pleased at being kept awake. 

In between all the celebrating I asked Macintosh about his New Year's resolutions for 2015. He thought about it for approximately 2.4 seconds and then proceeded to tell me his top 5.

So here are Macintosh's New Year's resolutions....

1. Eat more - especially the human food that he's not supposed to have!

2. Play harder - he had lots of new toys at Christmas which are still completely in tact. They obviously need destroying.

3. Nap more and for longer.

4. Eat more - pretty much anything and everything he can get his mouth around!

5. Do more tracking - there's such a wealth of a smells around here so he really wants to make the most of those wild scent trails. 

Looking at the above photos taken in the last 5 days I'd say he's got the napping one down. Yesterday on his walk he ate 6 things off the floor, who knows what they were but that obviously meant he's taking his eating resolutions seriously. I think he's well on his way to keeping his resolutions...if only I could do so well at mine!

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