As many of you are aware California is an earthquake state and running through it, from top to bottom, is the San Andreas Fault. Now I can't claim to know much about it but my dad, who loves all things rock, wanted to see the fault line. So yesterday we went hiking in Vasquez Rocks which is a natural phenomenon that has occurred because of the tectonic plates pushing against each other. I had been to the rock formation before but its still breathtakingly beautiful.

We then stopped off at a vista point on the drive home to see where the fault line runs across the bottom of the Antelope Valley. There is a lake in Palmdale which is at the bottom of the valley. It was created by the movement of the tectonic plates and the water rushed in to fill up the gap. The viewpoint allowed you to clearly see the fault line and gave you great views across the valley. 

In the foreground you can see the California aqueduct and then Lake Palmdale just beyond that. The fault line is hard to detect on this photo but runs along where the windmill is. Below is a map showing you the fault line and its relation to the Antelope Valley. 

It was an interesting trip, but I doubt I enjoyed it as much as my dad. He stroked a lot of rock and repeatedly mentioned how amazing it was to see this, that or the other. He loved it and that's what counts.

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