Macintosh is a beagle. Beagles typically do not enjoy water and do not like things such as beaches. However Macintosh defies this beagle norm (as he does many others!). He absolutely loves the beach. This past week we went to Ventura and went to Habor Cove beach. Yes I spelt it the American way, its shocking I know. Whilst on the beach Macintosh had so much fun. He spent a lot of time in the water with his buddy, my Dad. He loved running from the waves as they came crashing in, but then would go straight back out to smell their surf before having to run in from the next wave. It was hilarious to watch! He would then chill out on the beach after his water capers. He seemed to get covered in sand, including in and around his mouth but that didn't appear to bother him. 

Here's a few pictures showing him enjoying life at the beach. 

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