So today's post happened just this morning and caused me to almost have a heart attack! To set the scene I was in the bathroom having a shower. Sorry I know that's not the best setting for a post but there it is. The door was closed, or to my mind it was, and I was busy washing my hair. 

As I was busy getting ready I had this weird feeling of being watched. Now I'm known for being a bit dramatic and can't really watch scary movies as I frighten way too easily. I decided to ignore the feeling as I decided it was totally irrational. I was in a locked house and behind a closed door. If anyone had come in I would have heard it. The feeling however did not go away so with great trepidation I turned round to check.

Well I almost died! There was Macintosh standing right next to the shower LICKING THE SHOWER DOOR! I mean come on! It literally scared me into screaming which in turn gave him a small shock and caused him to try and run away. Now anyone who has ever seen a dog try to run on tiles will know that sometimes they don't go anywhere at first and merely end up running on the spot. That's what happened here. The poor dog was petrified and couldn't get away fast enough. 

Lesson of the day: ensure the bathroom door is fully shut before taking a shower. As if its not then a small and determined beagle, with far too much of an inquisitive spirit, may just be able to nudge it open and come investigating!

Obviously there is no photographic evidence of this event so you'll have to put up with his unimpressed after face. He wasn't a happy bunny.


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