I used to think packing was easy, but I never packed up a room after living there for five months. With a bit of help from my room neighbour, Pricey, or should I say 'The Squirrel King' my packing was complete! (An in joke at work). Here is what my room looked like with more stuff scattered around.

Pricey was leaving at roughly the same time so we decided to walk the epic hundred metres from the car to the check in desk with a colossal amount of luggage and the true manliness of saying no to a luggage cart. We made it and well on time so celebrated by having a pizza (why not!)

We left an hour apart but he is going via Houston and I'm going via Dallas. I'm going to see if I catch up on him when we both arrive at Heathrow.

Our aircraft ready at Fort Walton

On my flight from Fort Walton to Dallas I sat next to a lady with a cat! An air travel first for me, the cat only made a lil squeak on landing but the rest of the flight was amazingly chilled out. Some Lavendar spray she found in a pet store apparently seems to do the trick!! Might have to seek it out.

Dust arrival at Dallas Fort Worth

Whilst flying I enjoyed reading a book Hannah gave me for valentines day called 'Twenty Thousand Miles in a Flying Boat' by Sir Alan Cobham. A great airtravel book with some funny and thrilling mishaps on route, from one of these, Sir Alan and craft were rescued by a 'plucky lad' from the RAF who risked his life jumping from a rowing boat to the flyingboat in stormy sea when the anchor failed on the plane and it had started to drift. They had started the aircraft engines in an effort to stop being beached but a huge wave rose up threatening to throw the small boat through the currently turning props of the engine, so all the lads jumped free except for one who jumped for the aircraft with a rope. Momentarily it looked like he had missed but he had just managed to grasp a mooring point on the side but was now being pulled under the flying-boat by the surging water. Those on board discovered, after he was pulled aboard, that he was still clinging to the rescue rope, this then led to the rescuing of the aircaft from impending destruction. I was quite proud, especially as the lads name was never mentioned and Sir Alan contiuned on the epic journey.


PS I am home now as many of you might know so this was posted upon my return.  

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