Last night I was invited to a friend's house with some other women for a meal and a baking session. We had a delicious meal and then began baking....mince pies!

It was the first time I had made mince pies since I was younger and helped my Mum make them. I thoroughly enjoyed making them and couldn't wait to bring them home to cook. The hostess had added almond essence to the pastry so I was excited to see how that turned out. 

Here they are ready to go into the oven. 


I didn't manage to cook them until this evening as I was out all day but I was looking forward to a nice supper treat. They didn't disappoint! 

Here they are still warm from the oven. 


And here is my supper treat complete with a coffee with pumpkin spice syrup in. Yum! 


I think it's time I gave it a go at home myself and made a big batch. After all, Christmas is coming! 


  1. They look pretty and yummy. How was the almond essence?

  2. It tasted really nice. I think I might add some next time I bake them too. :)

  3. So I must know where u get the pumpkin spice syrup from? It's my fave!

  4. A friend made it Lou. Its amazing! :) I will ask her for the recipe then maybe you can make some too.
